How to Declutter and Downsize in Retirement

If you're considering retirement downsizing, it's never too early to start. Whether you want more space in your home, or just have some expenses to cut back on - we have some tips that will help get the ball rolling. From getting organized and deciding what items are important enough for the journey into your dream house; there are plenty of ways to downsize in retirement, so let's tackle this head-on together.

Retirement Downsizing Tip #1: Recruit Your Kids

As a parent, you know each moment and memory of your children's childhood is precious. From baby books to first-grade Valentines, it’s important to capture these special memories that make up their lives—and yours. But as retirement approaches and downsizing looms on the horizon, enlisting your kids can be an invaluable resource when making decisions about how to keep those timeless mementos close even during life changes.

You can invite your kids to help you rediscover old memories and decide what should stay in the house. Alternatively, if you want each of them to have something special from home for themselves - divide up some meaningful treasures into individual boxes as thoughtful gifts. It's always good when our children feel appreciated at any age – so grab those dust masks and get packing.

Saying goodbye to treasured memories can be difficult, but it's easier when we hold onto the moments and share them with those who created them. It won't always be easy - some things have to go - yet there is something important about allowing yourself a fresh start now and then.

Retirement Downsizing Tip #2: Go Digital

We all have meaningful memories that we want to preserve and look back on, yet it's not always feasible to keep physical items around the house. That's why photographs are so important; they capture a glimpse into our past without taking up much space. You’re encouraged to start scanning your photos right away. To make them easier to access later down the line, consider setting up an organized digital filing system by year, child, or special occasions - whatever works best for you.

With virtual pictures, you can keep all your memories organized and accessible in the palm of your hand. Get creative with them by creating a meaningful project or slide show. Or even try using digital frames so that special moments from years past are always on display. Enjoy taking a stroll down memory lane whenever it suits you.

Retirement Downsizing Tip #3: Find Joy

If your closets, drawers, and shelves are getting more crowded, here's a great tip - focus on objects that bring you joy. It may sound like an overused phrase but it really works. I'm talking about finding the right balance between wanting things in life while still being smart with space. Now that is priceless.

It's time to let go of the things we no longer need. Those special items that you’ve held on to from years ago or something like a sweater given by an old friend can be donated instead. Donating feels so good, and who knows – maybe someone else will enjoy it just as much. Letting go is freeing for us all; take this opportunity and free up some space in your home.

Retirement Downsizing Tip #4: Quit Thrifting

It can be tempting to snag a 'too-good-to-be true' deal, but the long-term savings of buying just what you need makes more sense. It's easy to get caught up in the thrill of a sale – but don't forget that it was designed by marketers with their own interests, not yours. So put your financial well-being first and resist those tempting discounts.

When you’re ready to unlock the doors of possibility for your future, retirement planning is one way you can get ahead and make those dreams come true. Take a few steps today towards liberating yourself from that extra baggage by downsizing your home before you relocate to a retirement community, or after if that works better for you. With these tips, there’s no reason retirement living shouldn't be comfortable and stress-free. Discover the retirement community for you today.

For more retirement lifestyle articles and the scoop on local hotspots, browse the Del Webb blog to get inspired.

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